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The Student News Site of Cathedral High School | Indianapolis, Indiana

Irish Connection

The Student News Site of Cathedral High School | Indianapolis, Indiana

Irish Connection

The Student News Site of Cathedral High School | Indianapolis, Indiana

Irish Connection


Camila Jackson, Executive Editor

Camila Jackson is a junior and Executive Editor for the Irish Connection Media Network. Camila is interested in telling stories about clubs, school events, students with interesting hobbies/awards, and any outside news. When not covering stories for Cathedral, Camila enjoys playing tennis and reading, as well as spending time with her family. Camila hopes to pursue a career in pediatric dentistry.

All content by Camila Jackson
The Cathedral Irish cheer performing at the Hinkle Fieldhouse at Butler on Monday. The showcase was specifically held for teams to show the routine they will do at Nationals for anybody who wants to see the routine but won’t be able to go to Florida. Edwards says, “It was nice to see all the other performances from the other teams and to perform in front of my friends and family before leaving.”

Cathedral Cheer Goes to Nationals

Camila Jackson, Executive Editor
February 10, 2025
Peter and the Star Catcher flier with dates of the production and QR Code to get tickets. With over 150 involved every year in production on stage and behind the scenes, this year's production contains many different roles. Fox says, “This is a great Ensemble play in which there are so many big roles.”

Set Sail to the Theatre

Camila Jackson, Executive Editor
November 21, 2024
Gabrielle Hadad standing in front of Capitol Hill. Hadad was able to visit many exciting places to get a better insight into the US government during Girls State and Nation. Gabi says, “Everyone there was so supportive and fun to get to know which made me very comfortable in giving speeches or talking to new people.”

From Determination to Girls Nation

Camila Jackson, Executive Editor
August 26, 2024
Posters found around school detailing the dates of Wellness Wednesdays. It will be held at 8 am every Wednesday as a way for students to relax as they prepare for finals week. Mrs. Schommer says, “The College and Career center will have dimmed lights, light snacks, and an opportunity to try some calming tools.”

Wellness Wednesdays

Camila Jackson, Reporter
April 18, 2024
Christian sits up in the pilot's chair. His first solo flight took place last month.

Flying Higher

Camila Jackson, Reporter
December 11, 2023
20 questions of fame

Bailey Brownlow ’26

Camila Jackson, Reporter
November 15, 2023
Laura Correa dancing at Ensamble Folklorico Performance on September 16 with her dance partner. (Photo sent from Laura Correa)

Dancing With Tradition

Camila Jackson, Reporter
November 6, 2023
Members and soon-to-be members of the Cathedral family gathered at the Evening of Excellence event Thursday night. The Evening of Excellence is held to honor members of the Cathedral family who have made a significant contribution to Cathedral and its students. Angel, a sophomore student who is one of many at Cathedral who have the opportunity for tuition assistance says, "Attending Cathedral has made a huge impact on my faith and I give it thanks to my sponsor for allowing me and encouraging me to attend Cathedral."

An Evening of Excellence

Camila Jackson, Photographer
September 29, 2023
Senior Joan Darnell, a member of the Color Guard, performing a routine during the school assembly.  Color Guard at Cathedral is a friendly and welcoming group that does competitive dance based routines while adding flags and other equipment to their performance. Alexis Howard, Cathedral's new Color Guard Director said, “I have been working hard to establish CHS' very own Winter Guard for the 23'-24' IHSCGA season. I am so excited.”

Homecoming Friday

Camila Jackson, Photographer
September 11, 2023
Cathedral Class of 25’s hallway is decorated with their homecoming theme, Jaws for Juniors. Every year each Cathedral class has a designated hallway which they must decorate according to their chosen theme to win points for the spirit stick; this year themes are Flamin’ Hot Freshman, Superhero Sophomores, and Senior World. Sophomore Fatima says, “I think this is such a fun and unique tradition at Cathedral and it shows everyone’s competitive side in trying to win the Spirit Stick for their class.

Homecoming Hallway Decoration

Camila Jackson, Photographer
September 8, 2023
Cathedral’s band, Pride of the Irish,  outside creating a memorable morning to start off Homecoming week and All Out Irish. Cathedrals band has had some more involvement these past few days with opening up the Student Assembly last Friday and also having a new band director, Ian Callen. Lorrea Correra, a drummer for Band says, "I love the environment and support the band creates and it is just a nice school activity to be a part of.”

A Kickoff To Homecoming Week

Camila Jackson, Photographer
September 5, 2023
Students' parents walk to Lorretto to meet their teachers on Thursday evening. To start off the 2023 - 2024 school year, parents are encouraged to get to know their children’s  teachers to better understand their expectations, course curriculum, and materials needed for that class. Principal Julie Barthel said, “During this special evening, you have an opportunity to walk your child’s schedule and meet their educators.”

Meet The Teacher

Camila Jackson, photographer
August 25, 2023
JV soccer player, Sophomore Colin Jackson #7, at his game against Greenfield Central Thursday night. The game ended with a score of 3-0, with Colin scoring the 2nd goal in the 1st half. Colin says, “It is a lot of fun playing for this team and I’m excited for the next games to come.”

Varsity Soccer Photos

Camila Jackson, photographer
August 21, 2023
Krista Bohannon, the new media specialist working alongside Mrs. Morin, celebrating the end of the 5 by 5/5 for $5 reading challenge by having a free catered lunch for students who correctly completed the task. Mrs. Bohannon says, “I do think it was successful. Our group read an impressive total of 348 books!” Students have the opportunity to earn $5 and a free lunch by reading 5 books and then writing a book review or having face to face book discussion with Mrs. Bohannon or Mrs. Morin. “I plan to create a site where students and the staff can post their reviews of the books they read. This way, everyone can share their thoughts and opinions on the books, making the book club an interactive and exciting experience for all.” Says Mrs. Bohannon, regarding on her plans for next year.

5 by 5/5

Camila Jackson, Photographer
May 12, 2023
Senior, Caroline Keltner, points to the University of Kentucky which she will be attending. Seniors during lunch on Monday were able to place their name tags on a state according to the college they are attending. Mrs. Pivonka, the College and Career Coordinator says, “I am very sad to see the seniors graduate, but I know they are ready. I think that Cathedral has prepared the senior class well for their academic challenge.” She is preparing to work with the class of 2024 and hopes that they are ready to begin planning their college career. She says, “Juniors should already be paring down their lists. Juniors will also have the opportunity to attend a college workshop in June to start their applications. More details to come.”

May 1st

Camila Jackson, Photographer
May 3, 2023
Camila Jackson
Fri, Apr 28, 5:21 PM (3 days ago)
to me

Senior Hannah Barbee receiving her graduation stole because of her membership to Magna Cum Laude, the next level of Academic Honors. Students that are graduating in the top 15% of their class were giving these stoles to signify this high achievement of being part of either Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Cum Laude. Principal Julie Barthel said, “Our students have experienced many ups and down over the past four years, and our educators have transformed their hearts and minds to have the competence to see and the courage to act.”

Manga Cum Laude

Camila Jackson, Photographer
May 1, 2023


Camila Jackson, Photographer
April 27, 2023
SpongeBob Squarepants

SpongeBob Squarepants

Camila Jackson, Photographer
April 21, 2023
Girls Softball JV team warming up before their match against Avon High School. Unfortunately, they lost this game, creating a 3-0-3 record, but are preparing for a win against Westfield High School this Saturday.


Camila Jackson, Photographer
April 17, 2023
SpongeBob Set

SpongeBob Set

Camila Jackson, Photographer
April 17, 2023
JV Lacrosse player, Colin Jackson (#8), is ready to begin the 4th quarter of the match standing
next to a Fishers HS player. Boys JV Lacrosse season began just a week ago, with a win
against Westfield High School 7 - 2 and a massive win last night against Fishers with a score of
19 - 4. “I can’t wait for the rest of the season to see how my team improves and how we grow
together and continue to succeed.” says Colin.

Camila Jackson, Photographer
March 22, 2023
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