Why I Chose Cathedral – Abbie Yousaf

Class of 2027 student from Saint Simon the Apostle explains “Why Cathedral.”

There are 682 high schools in the Hoosier State. But, out of all 682 high schools, none of them touched me like Cathedral did. I made the decision to attend Cathedral High School after eighth grade. I chose it. My parents did not. I did. I could have chosen any of those high schools. I even could have chosen a public school, where the tuition is free. My parents could have bought me an iPhone 14 and tons of Lululemon leggings in place of the tuition if I had chosen to go to a public high school. But I chose Cathedral.

I chose Cathedral for my mom and dad. My mom and dad are my best friends. I have never met anyone like them, and they truly understand me as a human being. They are the dearest people to my heart. My mom and dad both immigrated to the United States from Pakistan. There is no freedom of religion in Pakistan, or gender equality or freedom of expression or women’s rights and the lack of so much more. Pretty rough, huh?

But Pakistan was their home. They grew up there. They left their homes, their friends, their culture, their “normal” way of life. They left their families, too. But not only was leaving hard, but the struggles that they faced when they finally came to the United States was even harder. First, the language barrier; they were both born and raised in Pakistan, so they did not know how to speak English. Speaking English in America is the most important skill to have because that is how you get a job, build relationships, make money for your family and more. Second, they arrived with nothing.

My mom and dad both had to begin from nothing. They had to make money to feed themselves, buy clothing, live somewhere, have some type of transportation, and pay for their schooling. Speaking of schooling, third, they had to restudy and retake their exams in America to work legally as a pharmacist and a nurse. They both had Pakistani licenses, so they had to get their American licenses. But how were they going to do that if they didn’t even have a home to study in? Somehow, they figured it all out because during the whole time, me and my brother were in the back of their heads. They never forgot about who they were doing this for. Ever.

My mom and dad did all of that just so that me and my little brother, Josh, could have an easier way of life here in the United States. I have never met anyone that loved me like my mom and dad did. I am so beyond thankful to them. I ask my parents all the time if there will be any way I can ever repay them for their sacrifices. Repeatedly, they reply with the same thing: “Live the happiest life you can.” Right now, what I can do to make my parents happy and make them regret nothing is to do good in school, and doing good in school will help me live a good, happy, life. I believe Cathedral High School will help me do so and guide me to happiness in life.