Face Off: Stay home during spring break

Daniel Kent

Daniel Kent

I’m in favor of staying home for spring break.

After a long, busy third quarter, many are looking forward to a relaxing week away from school. Spring break offers something to look toward throughout the quarter. It’s a perfect time to decompress and recuperate for the fourth quarter. Many will do this by basking in the sun on the beach, visiting distant family or sightseeing at landmarks around the country. 

These trips are often lengthy and stressful — the exact opposite of what a spring break should be. Staying home avoids excessive spending, long flights or car rides and unneeded stress, and it gives most people quiet time to themselves. Many students dread the idea of a “staycation,” but staying home allows for time to complete small tasks that have been put off throughout the year. Spring break can be a time of productivity which often relieves stress, too. 

From making sure you’ve packed all of your needed toiletries to planning the picture perfect vacation itinerary, there is plenty of stress that goes into a spring break vacation. Due to Covid-19, yet another stressor has been added to the mix. 

Although the Covid rates are rapidly declining around most of the country, it’s still a risk factor for many. High risk activities like traveling through bustling airports and being in large crowds and long lines makes the likelihood of being infected with Covid higher than it would be at home. It is known that Covid rates rise after periods of high travel such as spring break or holidays like Memorial Day. Staying home would help continue the decline of Covid rates around the country.

Staying home for spring break allows for a truly relaxing vacation. People can appreciate local entertainment and enjoy time at home while avoiding the elaborate, often unnecessary aspects of a vacation. A “staycation” serves as a superb spring break.