Face Off: Take a trip during spring break

Caroline Schilling

Caroline Schilling

With everything currently being up in the air, traveling is a hard no for some, and a yes for others. Personally, I think making spring break plans is acceptable and fine, as long as Covid protocols are being followed.

 In some places, Covid numbers are decreasing, especially with the continued mask mandates and a recognition of cleaning and social distancing. For this reason, hopping on a plane or driving a distance is perfectly fine.

 Staying in for such a long time can make people feel excluded and possibly go a little stir crazy. For this reason, leaving your house to travel somewhere with a different climate and environment could help mental health overall. It is a new year, and it is time to take Covid seriously while still preparing and hoping to get back to normal, and a spring break vacation is a great start.

 When unsure of booking that flight, think of the positives. If you follow the social distancing guidelines, wear a mask properly and stay home if feeling sick, then a change of scenery would be good for mental health and your well being overall. If uncomfortable with flying, drive. It is a great way to still travel while staying farther apart than on an airplane.

 Another reason to go on spring break is the limited capacities that many public places have enforced. Most states have required fewer customers in restaurants, gyms, hotels and more. With this, you are able to distance yourself because of the smaller amount of people. With limited capacities, you could feel more safe sitting at a booth or spending your time in the public places at a hotel.

 Cleaning supplies, methods and more have also increased in public places. Many stores are disinfecting between parties, restaurants more than before, and flight attendants on main areas before and after a flight. Bring your own hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes, clean surfaces and hands often, and you will stay healthy on your getaway.

 For these reasons, it is perfectly fine to go on spring break. Taking into account all we have learned since the beginning of the pandemic, now is the perfect time. Personally, I think getting away for spring break is a good idea.