Wood Tommy sing at Coffee House Jam?

Annual event will take place March 12 in the SLC

Caroline Steiger

During last year’s lip sync battle, senior Tommy Wood plays “Sweet Victory.” Wood is set to perform at the March 12 Coffeehouse Jam.

On March 12 the Shiel Student Life Center will be rocking as the Coffee House Jam will be in full swing. Senior Tommy Wood is preparing to wow the crowd with his guitar chops and perhaps his singing skills as well. 

Wood is a little behind schedule as he said he does not know the extent of the songs he will play that night, but he did mention that he will be peforming “Ode to Viceroy” on the guitar by Mac DeMarco and possibly sing it as well. He believed he will play two or three songs in all. 

Wood gave some insight into his performance this year, saying, “I really like one of the songs I am doing this year, even though I will have to probably sing it, which is not something I really want to do. But I mean it will be a great time.”

Abut the atmosphere in the SLC, he said,  “You really just start to feel the crowd out, you know. It’s nice and chill. It’s really low key in the audience.” Wood praised the audience, saying they “(are) there to hear your talents and respect what you are doing.”

If you want to hear Tommy Wood sing (no promises), or just have a great time, come to the SLC on March 12 from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m and enjoy your long weekend with the talents of the school’s finest.