Student artists named award winners

March 22 event at Clowes Hall will recognize recipients

Photo submitted

This artwork by senior Hao Wang earned a Gold Key in the annual Scholastic Art and Writing competition and will be displayed at Clowes Hall on March 22.

Art teacher Mr. Jon Kane has announced the names of students who have been recognized in the annual Scholastic Art and Writing awards, which are in their 93rd year. 

The artwork is judged by professional artists who make their selection based on three criteria: Originality, technique and vision/voice. This year several students met all three criteria and won awards.

This school is located in the Central Indiana/Southern Indiana region, where thousands of entries are submitted and only a few hundred are honored. Kane, who teaches drawing and painting, said he is always happy and proud of the students for the recognition they have earned. 

Senior Hao Wang earned a total of seven awards, including one Gold Key for “Restraint I,” three  silver keys, and three honorable mentions. He said he was surprised and felt honored to have won so many awards. 

Students and their families are invited to Clowes Memorial Hall for an awards celebration on March 22. This is an opportunity to see everyone’s honored work. The Gold Key winners’ artwork will be displayed at Clowes and will be judged nationally among the other Gold Keys in the country. 

Gold Keys

  • Delaina Cannady, “A Hair Perspective”
  • Megan Kaster, “Blue Square”
  • Eilyn Mayo, “Drive By”
  • Hays Teasley, “Dunce”
  • Kiara Taylor, “Water Boy”
  • Kiara Taylor, “Daunting Bridge”
  • Hao Wang, “Restraint I”

Silver Keys

  • Gabriella Bunting, “Modern Geometry”
  • Hays Teasley, “Thumb Butte”
  • Hao Wang, “Who Am I?”
  • Hao Wang, “I Want your Phone Mum!”
  • Hao Wang, “What’s My Future Gonna Be???”

Honorable Mentions 

  • Tory Basile, “Greed”
  • Sophie Mernitz, “Flower Bowl”
  • Ellie Sagebiel, “Honeypie”
  • Hays Teasley, “Audrey”
  • Kiara Taylor, “Small Person, Big World”
  • Lily Wagoner, “Blue Face”
  • Eilyn Mayo, “Drive By”
  • Hao Wang, “Umbrella”
  • Hao Wang, “Far Fly Chicken”
  • Hao Wang, “Shangri-La”• Marcella Ventresca, “Untitled”