Show choir competition season begins Feb. 1

Group will perform Jan. 28 during flex

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The show choir performs during Open House.

The Irish Adrenaline show choir, under the direction of Mrs. Marian Bender, will kick off the competition season on Feb. 1 at Fishers High School.

Starting at 8 a.m., the choir will showcase their talents as they compete with other schools in front of judges. This will be the first of three Indiana competitions in which the Irish Adrenaline will participate in this season, the others being Feb. 8 at Edgewood High School and Feb. 22 at Warren Central High School, both at beginning at 8:30 a.m.

The competition at Fishers will mark the start of the Irish Adrenaline’s fourth season, making it a relatively new program.

This past December, the show choir helped put on a Christmas concert in the auditorium alongside the other school choirs, which gave the school a taste of what was to come this spring.

The Irish Adrenaline will wrap up their competition season by traveling to Nashville, Tennessee to take part in the national show choir competition on March 7.

For those who would want to see them in action but might be unable to attend any of the competition dates, the Irish Adrenaline will put on a special preview performance at 10 a.m. on Jan. 28 during flex in the auditorium, as well as at 6 p.m. on Jan. 28.

One member of the choir, senior Anna Tobias, shared her thoughts on the upcoming season. “I’m excited to see how we place at competition and I’m also excited to get to see other schools’ shows,” she said. “I have enjoyed show choir thanks to all of the people in it and the friendships I’ve made from it.”