MisCast Cabaret is Dec. 5 after school

Traditional singing roles will be reversed

Photo submitted

The MisCast Cabaret will take place Dec. 5 at 4 p.m. in the black box theater.

The CaTheatre debuts a new production on Dec. 5, the MisCast Cabaret. 

Created by theater director Mr. Tristan Zavaleta and seniors Ashley Lay, Annie Leppart and Natalie Rypel, this production was transformed from simply a final project to an open chance for students to sing on stage. In Broadway and for most theater productions, men’s roles are played by males and women’s roles are played by females. However, the Misgender Cabaret allows people to switch these roles and sing their favorite Broadway musicals.

Senior Mikey Boyle said, “The whole crux of the Misgender Cabaret is a theatrical style event where guys sing girls’ songs and girls sing guys’ songs. Basically, it’s to give people who haven’t really gotten a chance to sing a song that they’ve always wanted to sing before, because they’re not the right gender for it, a chance to do it.” 

There were no special requirements for students who wanted to participate. Boyle said, “It was open to anyone and everyone who wanted to do it.” Personally, Boyle said he wants to gain more confidence when it comes to singing in front of crowds. “I have always been very insecure about my singing voice,” Boyle said. “I hope this would help be more positive about my self image and self esteem.”

Boyle hopes to continue this new production. “It’s a really nice way to get people involved in theater who haven’t really done anything for it before.” 

Boyle said, “Come! It’s a good way to spend a Thursday (afternoon) and it will be a lot of fun. There’s a lot of fun songs being sung for it and I’m very excited.” 

The performance will take place Dec. 5 in the  black box theater at 4 p.m.