Some play: Children’s fall production is Sept. 29

Students will perform “Charlotte’s Web”

Posters displayed on campus advertise the children’s play, “Charlotte’s Web.”

While the beginning of fall symbolizes many things for different people, on this campus it is a sign that the annual children’s play is approaching. On Sept. 29, the theater department will perform this year’s play at 1 and 4 p.m. in the auditorium.

This year’s production will be “Charlotte’s Web,” and as in years past, the children’s play will be directed solely by students with seniors Jack Lindner and Ashley Lay taking on the job.

The school’s theater program is now under the guidance of new director Mr. Tristan Zavaleta. “It is really exciting for me, as a new theatre director, to get a chance to see how talented and dedicated the theatre students are before I direct the fall play, which starts right after ‘Charlotte’s Web,’” Zavaleta said. “I’ve seen such amazing work from these students already and I am excited to see Charlotte’s Web and I can’t wait to work with these amazing students more on the next show.”

As soon as the children’s play is finished, Zavaleta and the thespians will begin preparing for the fall production.

Senior Kat Griffith, who is a veteran Cathedral thespian and one of the cast members for the upcoming performance, shared why she especially loves acting in the children’s plays. “I would say that ‘Charlotte’s Web,’ and the children’s plays in general, are always a great way for the cast to truly enjoy the act of theatre and performing,” she said.

“The show is usually shorter and less stressful, and the emphasis is placed on making the kids in the audience are happy. ‘Charlotte’s Web’ has been especially fun because so many of us grew up watching the movie and reading the book, so we feel a connection to the characters and plot.”

The children’s play provides an opportunity for students to appreciate the hard work and talent of their friends, and Zavaleta encourages students to be a part of the audience. He said, “Come out and support the amazing work that your classmates have put together.”