Theology teacher plans student trip to Peru

Cannaday says he is excited to offer travel opportunity

Theology teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday works at his desk in his classroom on the first floor of Kelly Hall. In June, Cannaday will travel to Peru to help lead 13 students on a mission trip.

Jameson Browne

Theology teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday works at his desk in his classroom on the first floor of Kelly Hall. In June, Cannaday will travel to Peru to help lead 13 students on a mission trip.

A new adventure is available this summer for both students and theology teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday. For the first time, Cannaday will lead students on the Peru mission trip from June 1 to June 11.

Taking on a responsibility like this forced Cannaday to think long and hard. “After I prayed about it for a while, I just felt a calling to do it,” Cannaday said. Mrs. Kim Jamell, former trip leader and Spanish teacher, said she felt Cannaday would be a great candidate to fill her shoes. “Mrs. Jamell asked me if I’d be interested and I decided the Lord was calling me,” Cannaday said.

The process to find the new leader for the trip wasn’t all that hard for Jamell. “Mr. Cannaday was an obvious choice because of the mix of faith and fun he carries with him,” said Jamell. She explained that students just feel comfortable around him and that’s exactly what she was looking for. 

She said, “I can’t wait to see how he takes on this new responsibility.”

This will be Cannaday’s first trip to Peru, but it’s one that he is extremely excited about. He also understands that he won’t be the only one going through this new experience. “I’m most excited about seeing the change the students go through because many of them have never been on a trip of this kind before,” Cannaday said.

Not many will have the opportunity to experience this trek as only 13 students will be taken. “It will be first come, first served. We want to bring as many students that haven’t been before as we can,” Cannaday said. He said he’s hoping that the kids that do get to go make the most of this unique chance.

A trip of this magnitude can change students’ lives as well as the lives of those that they are helping in Peru. Cannaday hopes and expects that participating students will really get to know the people of Peru that they help. “I can’t wait to see how the students who go are able to learn from the people who they are ministering to,” Cannaday said.

The itinerary for the journey will be a busy one but Cannaday wants attendees to take it all in. “Just enter into that time with the people we are helping,” Cannaday said.

He explained that students will assist families and children during their time in Peru, and in doing so carry out Holy Cross values. “We’ll be spending time with orphans who have been sexually abused,” Cannaday said.

Thirteen students will have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity this summer to help change the lives of underprivileged kids in Peru. This journey offers a new and exciting challenge for all participants and Cannaday hopes everyone will grow in their faith. 

He said about the trip this summer, “I’m extremely excited to see how these kids are able to grow closer to the Lord and hopefully transform into even better people.”