Tattoos acceptable for high school students

High school is a time for exploration as students try to find their true selves. Often, this manifests itself into a desire for self expression through the teen’s appearance. Some dye their hair, some cover their arms in bracelets and some join the roughly 25 percent of Americans with a tattoo.

Of those with at least one tattoo, half received their first ink design before the age of 21, according to You Gov. Yet many people think that individuals should abstain from permanent ink designs until college. We believe high school students should be allowed to get tattoos.

Upon proudly explaining their new decoration, teens are often shot down with a curt prediction that he or she will regret the tattoo in several years. There is some truth behind this statement, as the past three years have seen a steady increase in tattoo removal procedures. Despite rising numbers, Trend Statistics found that 86 percent of tattoo owners remain pleased with their permanent ink embellishments.

The top reasons for removal include lost significance of designs, poor execution by the tattoo artist and the infamous ex-boy or girlfriend tattoo. However, these mistakes are not just reserved for high school students. Choosing the art requires maturity, but this trait is not necessarily determined by age.

Middle-aged to teenaged individuals both are recorded as choosing unfortunate etchings. As they say, age is nothing but a number.

Another argument claims that tattoos hurt a high school student’s appearance, creating more difficulties when interviewing for colleges or careers. According to Reuters, 70 percent of tattoo owners are one step ahead and strategically placed their ink in an easily concealed location.

Forbes reported that this may not be a problem in the near future. As Millennials replace older employees in the office, the workplace becomes increasingly tolerant of tattoos. Also according to Forbes, diversity’s growing importance diminishes appearance’s role in job searching.

Corporations and companies stress inclusiveness and diversity. Students preparing to enter the job market will find more accepting employers who value their workers’ skills over their chosen style.

Inclusiveness and diversity are also Holy Cross values held here. We, too, should practice acceptance in allowing students to express themselves through tattoos.