Men’s lacrosse team looks to defend State title

Quentin Carlile; “great leaders returning this season”

From the abundance of state champion teams and banners, this year’s boys lacrosse team looks to defend last year’s state championship and bring another banner to hang on the WAC wall.

The repeat looks very achievable due to many familiar faces returning from last year’s championship team.

The starting lineup is very senior heavy, consisting of  four year starters Senior Jack Mattei, Senior Jake Gruber, and Senior Joe A’Hearn at midfield; at attack, Senior Kavan Braun, who returns as a four year starter, and is joined by Senior Jack Lacy and Junior Kevin Kolb; on defense, there are Quentin Carlile, Bryce Tuttle, and Griffin Gallant.

These seniors are accompanied by juniors Max Wirth at long-stick-midfield (LSM) and Brock Snyder at goalie, which rounds out one of the best defenses in the Midwest.

Coach Andy Gruber said, “The team is looking strong and there is a core group of players returning from last year’s state championship-winning team, and we expect them to be joined by several new up-and-comers.”

He continued, “Like every season, the team looks to replace the graduating players and contend for a state championship, this year is no different.”

In this program, and in many high school and college programs, it is important for the incoming athletes to step up when the seniors graduate. Although this specific team has a large amount of starting seniors, they still have an amount of juniors on the team.

When asked what it is like to be a junior on varsity, Kevin Kolb said, “Right now I think being a junior on varsity for lacrosse is somewhat a burden. With our senior class eventually leaving, there are big shoes to fill. And with that there needs to be new leaders the kids can look up to. The spots to fill can be a burden with (the players) we (are losing).”

Kolb was a key piece during last year’s playoff run, stepping up in crucial games.

“Most of the senior leaders on our team have been on varsity for four years, with them gone comes a whole new era of Cathedral lacrosse.

“You need to be a role model to the newcomers: don’t break their confidence but build it. And be the best teammate you can possibly be.

“While the shoes are big to fill I think we have enough young talent, and future leaders, to continue the Cathedral Lacrosse legacy,” said Kolb.

This year is a great chance and a great opportunity for them to go all the way a second year in a row. It is also a great year to instill leadership in the juniors who made the varsity roster.

Senior Quentin Carlile said, “This season is a great opportunity for our program to win another State championship. We have many people who we had last season who are great leaders returning for this season.

We also have many newcomers coming in that will learn leadership skills from us seniors and hopefully pass it down to those newcomers when they are seniors, and then win more championships.”