Getting Involved

September 9 marks the activity fair where students can gather and join clubs and activities.

Mr. Ernst continues to run the ‘Student Activity Fair’ to help students find a club so they are able to participate in something they are passionate about.

Every year, in an effort to get students involved, director of student activities Mr. Anthony Ernst runs an activity fair.

“September 9th during the activity period, there will be a special schedule, and class will be shortened due to the activity period,” Ernst said. 

“The activity fair will be the start for many freshmen of a 4 year long connection with a group that shares their passion and love for an activity, they start building a connection with those with the same interests,” Ernst said.

In the past emails for call-out meetings did the trick but Ernst was looking for something more personal “It is face to face and it builds instant relationships with the people assisting and running it and also with the students it makes a bigger impact,” he said. 

10 years ago would mark the very first fair. “My first email about the student activity fair was (sent out) in 2012,” said Ernst. Since the start many different clubs and activities have been added. “Two new clubs were approved, musical performance and computer programming, a possible archery club, and a few others getting started,” said Ernst.

With all the pre-existing clubs and the newly added ones students are going to find something they enjoy doing. “Absolutely 100 percent beneficial, students come from all over and they get to see what is all offered,” he said.