Editorial: It was another banner year for the Irish
The opening of the new Innovation Center was just one of the many highlights of a successful school year.
As another school year comes to a close up on the Hill, Cathedral students and faculty, and all of the Irish family, can look back with gratitude on what was a restorative and successful year.
Many of the old aspects of Cathedral returned, while many new additions came to the forefront. New faces were welcomed, as is usual with the school’s sense of hospitality and warmth, and old faces established and capped off their legacies on the Hill.
As summer approaches and the school heads eagerly (or not so eagerly, in some cases) into the break, it’s best to reflect on all the blessings the school was showered with throughout the year, as well as look forward with excitement to the future.
For the Freshman Class of 2025, the sparkling new Innovation Center will always be a fixture of the school, but for those who have been around a few years, the building represents a lot of positive change. Offering labs and more classrooms as well as inviting lounge areas for studying, the Innovation Center has seen more than its fair share of use in its first year, and rightfully so.
That isn’t even to mention the excellent new dining hall below the Innovation Center, with more than enough room to host hordes of hungry students and allow them space to relax, catch up with friends and recharge between classes. The building brought a brand new look to the campus, and on another positive note, did not sacrifice any of the beauty or functionality of Cathedral’s courtyard.
Another aspect of the school year that was introduced was Cathedral’s first J-Term, which gave students (and teachers) the opportunities to teach and learn about enticing hobbies or passions that aren’t normally found in a typical school course list.
It would be totally unlike Cathedral to forget its old ways and traditions, however, and one of the blessings of the year was being able to return to many of them due to the decline in Covid-19 numbers. After starting off the year having Masses on the football field, Cathedral was able to end with many rousing assemblies, while being able to conduct fun traditions such as the Winterfest and Homecoming to the fullest extent. Many students who had never known a Cathedral without masks and cleaning periods were finally introduced to a campus in which students were better able to hang out and connect, thanks to a decrease in Covid-related risk.
If there is any unspoken tradition of Cathedral’s, it would have to be the standard of excellence that is set and so often reached by the wide ranges of students, as well as its clubs, teams and groups. The Fighting Irish won a second straight 5A State title in football, and the Junior Class looks to build on the seniors’ historic resume by leading the Irish in the Class 6A next year.
Successful seasons were abundant among many of the other sports, and many individual Irish athletes made their mark and won State championships as well, along with the student section, the Irish Nightmare, bringing home the Zone 8 spirit banner for having the rowdiest fans in the state.
The men’s basketball team made its own mark on history, winning the first 4A title in history for the school, becoming the first private school to do so and leaving behind a memorable legacy in the process. Cathedral saw its choirs have extremely successful seasons, as well as many students being awarded for their success in the community and the classroom.
The Class of 2022 leaves a legacy for the future Irish to follow, and as the school welcomes in the Class of 2026, the juniors will become the leaders on campus. There are sure to be changes on the horizon. Regardless, Cathedral will find its way to spread faith and love while educating hearts and minds, as it has been known to do. In summation, excellence was the bar set during the year, and as has been throughout Cathedral’s history, the Irish answered.