“Alice in Wonderland” now available for viewing

Production was filmed in April in the school auditorium

Caroline Schilling

Posters in the atrium promote “Alice in Wonderland.”

The spring production of “Alice in Wonderland” is available to view from now until May 16, according to theater director Ms. Maria Souza.

Souza said, “The production was filmed professionally on April 15 and April 16. Our videographer took that footage and edited it into the final version that you will be able to watch.” That version is available here on the school website.

Souza wrote in an email about filming the production and limiting the in-person audience, “This was a joint decision between (technical director) Mr. (Michael) Moffatt and myself. We used guidelines and safety protocol outlined by the CDC and AEA for performer and audience safety,” referring to the Centers for Disease Control and the Actors’ Equity Association.

She described her main focus as ensuring safety during Covid. Souza wrote, “We had to get creative with the whole system. We did the best we could. Our main focus has always been safety of performers, designers, technicians and audience members. We wanted to do everything possible to do something with live theater this year. We were fortunate to produce two shows in a time when artists all over the world have been out of work for over a year.”

Senior Claire Miller directed this play and she helped ensure that Covid guidelines were followed as well. Souza said, “With Claire at the artistic helm for the overall look and feel of the production, my job was to support her in technical directing as well as manage the production logistics and people. My job is to guide, inform and support. This year it has also been to do my best to keep everyone safe in a live performance environment. We at Cathedral have been fortunate to have productions at all.”

Despite Covid, Souza said she is grateful for the success the students and crew have experienced this year.