Junior selected to perform in state honor band

DeSanto will participate at conference in May

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Junior Amelia DeSanto has been selected to perform in the state honor band.

Junior Amelia DeSanto has been selected to perform in the honor concert band at the Indiana Music Educators Association annual conference in May. She is a member of the Pride of the Irish marching band and plays flute.

Every year high school students are chosen for this band, according to band director Mrs. Kathy McCullough, who nominated DeSanto. McCullough said, “Directors nominate outstanding musicians from their band programs. Usually the requirements are achieving a gold medal rating at the (Indiana State School Music Association) solo and ensemble contest, having a high chair or seating in the high school band, and membership in other honor bands taken into consideration.”

McCullough said DeSanto and the rest of the honor concert will perform on May 21 and 22, with restrictions in place due to Covid-19. McCullough said usually 80 to 100 students from across the state participate and perform, and every school that nominates students has at least one selected.

To be notified about her selection, DeSanto said, “I got an email from Mrs. McCullough with all the information.”

DeSanto, who started playing the flute in the fifth grade, has years of experience in band. DeSanto said, “At Saint Simon I played in band in the sixth through eighth grade. Here, I’ve played freshman through junior year, and I will play next year.”

McCullough has influenced DeSanto in allowing her to be where she is today. “She is a positive role model in my life and helped me through other pieces of music and supports me through competitions,” DeSanto said.

Along with McCullough, the members of the band have also assisted her in reaching her reach goals. DeSanto said, “They have influenced me by being positive and supportive. We all try to help each other out.”