Rookie Showcase directors, cast announced

Production will be on Zoom on Nov. 6

Cathedran file photo

Last year, Rookie Showcase was performed before a live audience. This year, the audience will view the production on Zoom.

The cast list for the annual Rookie Showcase has been announced by theater director Ms. Maria Souza.

The annual Showcase allows the opportunity for more experienced students to direct short plays, while students who have not appeared on stage take on the acting roles. This year, because of Covid-19 regulations, Rookie Showcase take place on Zoom on Nov. 6 at 5 p.m. A link will be sent closer to the date with the Zoom information.

Rookie Showcase cast

“Roots” by Jonathan Dorf

Directed by seniors Caroline Ward and Brooklynn Thorpe

Cast: Second, freshman Anna Saul; First, freshman Aubrey McDonald

“Lies” by Lindsay Price

Directed by junior Sir Jonathan Thompson

Cast: Martine, freshman Julia Hurley; Alexa, freshman Joan Darnell

“Contact” by Doug Grissom

Directed by seniors Tom Kress and Claudia Lowe

Cast: Man, sophomore Scout Anderson; Voice, freshman Paige Boyle