Editorial: Being on the Hill is worth the effort
The freshmen, sophomores and juniors gathered for Mass on the football field on Sept. 11.
Since the day quarantine hit back in March, wearing masks, remaining socially distant, washing your hands more often and slathering on hand sanitizer has all seemed more of a big part of life now than a temporary aspect of it. The coronavirus has gotten in the way of the lives of everyone, shutting down events, stranding families apart from each other, and of course, taking lives.
It’s hard at times to see any positives coming out of or existing during an experience like such, but there are more than a few things to be thankful for despite the havoc that COVID-19 has wreaked so far.
While our generation will never forget that period in our lives where certainty was uncommon, the adaptations necessary for getting through this pandemic are sure to help in years to come. With increased technologies and plans, schools, both public and private alike, can be better prepared for online learning should the need ever arise again.
Already, schools have drastically improved their online presence, as most public schools in Indiana simply didn’t have schooling for the final quarter. The need for at-home quarantining has enabled schools to come up with ways for students to learn no matter where they are, ensuring that those who might not be able to teach themselves well from home can still can learn.
Furthermore, the coronavirus has led to a better environment for our world. People first started noticing last spring how rivers were clearing up and skies were seemingly more blue, and it’s true. The reduced amount of human manufacturing, and general interaction has led to an improved environment globally, an encouraging site considering the direction global climates have been headed in over the past decade or so.
While this undoubtedly is a good sign of what mankind can accomplish, it will be important to carry on with what Covid-19 has helped show us, which is the importance of continuing to take care of the environment.
The time we have spent at home, while undoubtedly boring at times, has led many to become more creative in their lifestyles. Students are left not being able to see friends and teammates in person, adults have had to get to know coworkers better through Zoom, and so people have been forced to learn how to entertain themselves. Somewhat like a second New Years, setting new goals and striving for them has been the driving factor for getting many through quarantine. Whether it is a new workout plan, eating routine or daily reading, a common routine has been an important part of getting people through the day, as the order of normal life has been disrupted.
In an odd sense, the most positively impactful part of the coronavirus has been how it has affected relationships with each other. One would never think that a mass mandate of social separation and lockdowns would bring people together, but it has. People are communicating more than ever, whether it be via sending letters, texting, using Zoom or through other social sites and networks.
The absence of daily interactions with close friends and family has made people appreciate the presence and role they have played in their lives. Families are spending more time together, and while many aren’t getting to enjoy the thrill of the first few weeks of college, others have appreciated the opportunity to get a few more weeks with local family and friends before moving away. The missing hole of the people we love not being around us as often has only increased the gratefulness for such relationships.
And while many might be fine with not walking the halls of their school, the missing presence of the Irish in the hallways, in the classroom and on the sports fields during the spring was hard to bear. Even with many of the students and staff being back, and sports and clubs back in almost full swing, the state of Covid-19, and all its restrictions, has led to a much different year.
Appreciating how coronavirus has impacted one’s love for Cathedral and its community might not be something realized yet, but in the time coming when coronavirus no longer has as large an impact, when given the time to look back and reflect, coronavirus gives us the ability to see how great a role Cathedral and good schools play a role in one’s life.
The permanent feeling of a socially distant world makes one appreciate the joy of walking through the halls, mask-free, talking and enjoying being around friends, classmates, teachers and coaches. Already, the pandemic has made being back up on the Hill a blessing, and when restrictions and rules that come with it inevitably are no longer necessary, all students will be able to be reunited with their school back to the way it was, pre-coronavirus.
Despite the pain the pandemic has brought to everyone’s lives, the positives are there, and while we may not see it yet, soon enough we’ll be able to appreciate the longing coronavirus gave us for being back up on the Hill, restriction free.