Color Guard auditions scheduled for May

Director says both males and females are encouraged to try out

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The Color Guard participates in the halftime show during the football Homecoming game against Jeffersonville.

Even though the auditions are more than two months ago, it’s not too early to plan for the annual Color Guard auditions, which are scheduled for May 12, May 13 and May 14. These are the same days training clinics will be held as well.

Director of Bands Mrs. Kathy McCullough provided more information for students who may be interested in attending. “During the clinic auditions, students use a five-and-a-half-foot flag to learn flag basics: attention, right shoulder arms, presents, spins, flutters and other different moves with the flag. (Students) will also have to move to a piece of music, so we can see if they can hear where the beat is and see if they can walk to that beat.

“We will teach a short, usually 32-count routine and ask them to perform it to music with the full group. Most students are easily able to learn these basic moves and enjoy doing a routine to music. No one has to try out by themselves —  everyone works together all the time,” McCullough said.

Because students have multiple days to choose from, she said that some dates get more students than others. McCullough said,“In general, our guard runs between 14 and 24 students. Boys and girls are welcome to come try us out.” 

McCullough said students should know they need to add concert/marching band to their first semester schedule next year if they plan on being part of the guard. Band gives students a fine arts credit and a grade for the semester. She added, “All guard members are required to attend our band camp at Anderson University from July 26 to July 31 All uniforms, outfits and equipment are provided to all guard members.”

McCullough said that the guard “adds an extra visual dimension to our marching band.” She added that students who don’t play instruments but love music and performing can still be a part of the band. “This is a great way to join the Pride and get the travel and performance opportunities available to all members,” she said.