Fall play hopes to get glowing reviews

“Radium Girls” takes the stage Nov. 22-24

Gracie Carr

The stage is set for the annual fall drama production on Nov. 22, Nov. 23 and Nov. 24.

It’s that time of year again for the annual fall play, with this year’s selection of “Radium Girls.”

“‘Radium Girls’ is about a factory in the 1920s. They were producing wristwatches that had glow-in-the-dark faces so that people could see (the watch faces) at night. The paint they were using happened to have radioactive material in it and at the time people didn’t realize what radioactive material would do to human beings, and so everyone in that factory ended up getting radioactive poisoning, a lot of which resulted in cancer. The factory had these people using this paint without the proper protection. 

“Then the workers discovered that the factory made them ill and they went back and sued the company and got a settlement to help with some of their healthcare expenses,” said theatre technical director Mr. Michael Moffatt. 

He said that they chose this play because many female students here audition for plays, and Moffatt said that this play has a lot of quality roles for girls. 

He said, “We like the historical value and the way you can research the characters because these people were real, so you can actually do in-depth historical research on your character that typically you don’t get to do on most plays,” he said. 

Students rehearse four times a week, Monday through Thursday, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. “When the production gets closer to opening, we do what’s called a tech rehearsal where the actors and crew get together and we do full runs of the show with dress rehearsals and this tends to last a little bit longer, we’ll be here until about 6:30 to 7 o’clock at night. So it wraps up and the commitment has to be a little bit more intense right before you open a show,” he said. 

Senior Diane Houk, who plays the role of Mrs. Michaels, said, “It’s a big time commitment and can be stressful, but it’s all worth it when the curtain rises on opening night.” Houk described Mrs. Michaels as “a mother that discovers the amazing powers of radium water.” She also plays Dr. Flinn, “a doctor hired by the company to help cover up their secret,” she said. 

Houk said that she has been a part of the theater program four years, and she’s done plays since second grade, “my first actually being in a (Bishop) Chatard play,” she said. Houk said she loves working with all her favorite seniors in the shows. She said, “We grow closer every year since freshman year.” 

Junior Brooklynn Thorpe, who was cast as Katherine Wiley, an activist campaigning for social justice, plays alongside Houk in “Radium Girls,” and says that she loves the theater program. Thorpe said, “Everyone is so welcoming and (the program) is one big family. I always know I can count on the theater people to have my back and help build me up and support me.”

Thorpe said that she especially likes this year’s play.  “I feel like for the first time we have a play centered around women and women empowerment. This play helps to inspire all women to stand up for themselves, and for Cathedral to do this play is a great experience to be a part of.”

The production will run through Nov. 22, Nov. 23 and Nov. 24, which is the weekend before Thanksgiving break. Tickets are $12, but students are admitted free with their ID. Moffatt said, “We traditionally have smaller crowds for our fall plays, so we’re hoping that people will come out and see this one.”

“Radium Girls” cast 

Grace: Junior Claudia Lowe

Katheryn: Senior Katie Darragh

Irene: Senior Ashley Lay

Miss Wiley: Junior Brooklynn Thorpe

Mrs. Roeder: Senior Annie Leppert

Mrs. Fryer: Junior Caiomhe Knutson

Reporter: Senior Claire Hunter

Sob sister: Senior Oliva DeLise

Harriet: Junior Maddie Elson 

Roeder: Senior Henry Eifert

Lee: Senior Nick Grill

Markley: Senior Brendan Jay

Von Sochocky: Senior Pat Downey

Tom: Senior Jack Linder

MacNeil: Senior Claudia Darnell

Knef: Junior Lindsey Huntzinger

Berry: Senior Mikey Boyle

Madame Curie: Senior Alanna Reckley

Flinn/Mrs. Michaels: Senior Diane Houk

Society woman/photographer/shopgirl: Senior Jade Miller

Court/store owner/elderly widow: Senior Olivia Schneider

Clerk/shopper: Senior Scarlett Mena

Lovesick cowboy/board member/Bailey: Freshman Colin Chandler

Martland/board member: Freshman Joe Mariani

Venecine Salesman/drinker/customer: Senior Kayla Morrell