Talent show set for May 16 at 4 and 7 p.m.

Annual event provides break before final exams

Megaphone file photo

The auditorium will be the site of next year’s theater productions.

With the last week of school approaching comes the annual end of the year traditions that make the school unique.

As students try to cram for their last final exams and look forward to summer break, it may bring them comfort to know that they can celebrate the end of the year with various events and activities.

One such tradition, the annual school talent show, is set to take place May 16 in the Joe O’Malia Performing Arts Center. Along with the Irish 500, the talent show remains a student favorite year after year. After school there will be two performances, one at 4 p.m. and a repeat at 7 p.m.

The talent show is organized by Spanish teacher and Student Council co-moderator Mrs. Kim Jamell, who jokingly refers to it as “the most important contest in the world.” She is in charge of collecting applications, which were due May 10, organizing a rehearsal to iron out the details and making sure that the show runs smoothly.

Every year, the show contains of a mix of both veterans, who have performed multiple times, and new groups or individuals looking to impress their classmates.

One such group, consisting of juniors Zack Gregor, Max Beatty, John Wiley and senior John Chai, plans to surprise their peers. Gregor, who helped come up with the idea of entering the talent show, said he is excited to perform with his friends. “One day we were messing around on the piano in theater and just decided then and there to enter ourselves in the talent show,” he said. “We are pretty excited, because our act is really unique.”