Editorial: Honoring the Honor Society

Jonas Hollis

From left, counselors Mrs. Mary Hemer ’09 and Mrs. Katz hand out membership cords to the National Honor Society inductees on April 28 in the Welch Activity Center.

National Honor Society was created to recognize high school juniors and seniors who have shown strong character, dedicated themselves to areas such as service and leadership and have exemplified themselves as true role models within their high school. 

Usually when we think of National Honors Society, we think of the students who have done tremendously well in school and have had a positive impact on those around them. It is important to note the achievements of these students, but we should also recognize the time and effort spent by our administrators who help run NHS here on campus.

Our NHS chapter is moderated Mrs. Lisa Ford and Mr. Joshua Payne-Elliot. They help communicate with the students about events, oversee the application process and guide students along their NHS journeys. Both Ford and Payne-Elliot have done a wonderful job with the program and should be commended for their efforts. 

Without their hard work and dedication, NHS would not be possible. Just last week Ford announced that incoming NHS students can receive one NHS point for donating blood on April 15. The induction ceremony hasn’t even occurred, and she is already helping those students reach their NHS goals.

We thank both Mrs. Ford and Mr. Payne-Elliot for their contributions to NHS and wish them and all the new members the best as they prepare for the April 28 induction ceremony.