Student directors reflect on ‘Rookie’ experience

Senior notes student theater’s supportive community

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Last year, Rookie Showcase was performed before a live audience. This year, the audience will view the production on Zoom.

Rookie Showcase on Jan. 17 demonstrated the work of student actors and directors. Although the performance highlights new actors in the school’s theatre program, it also relies on student directors.

Senior Meagan Moriarty said two directors select a script and actors for each performance. “I have learned how much work truly goes into directing and being able to successfully put on an amazing show,” she said.

Senior Isabelle Kwon also made her directing debut, showing her work with her actors’ skit. After the performance, she said she had gained skills and knowledge through the experience. “I have learned what it takes to actually be a director, like the responsibility of it all and how hectic it can be,” Kwon said. She also learned patience, she said.

“Anyone can do Rookie Showcase, and that’s the beauty of it,” Moriarty said. “It’s the perfect introduction into theater,” she said.

Kwon said she advised students to keep an open mind about their involvement in theatre. “Anyone can direct as long as they have a passion are willing to put full effort in,” she said.

“My only advice is for everyone to try it out,” said Moriarty. “Theatre is such a supportive community (where) people always inspire other to push people out of their comfort zone.”