Rookie Showcase auditions are Nov. 27

Production provides the chance to get on stage

Several actors prepare to take a bow during last year's Rookie Showcase.

Cathedran file photo

Several actors prepare to take a bow during last year’s Rookie Showcase.

Auditions for the Rookie Showcase are just around the corner and the event provides a great for students who haven’t acted before, or have had smaller roles with few lines, to come out and show their talents.

The Rookie Showcase is an evening of scenes directed by new directors and acted by new actors. “It’s a way to introduce students to theater that haven’t tried it before to dip their toe in the water. It’s not a huge commitment, so it’s a chance for those students with a busy schedule to get on stage at Cathedral,” said Ms. Jennifer Alexander, who has served in her role for six and one-half years.

The auditions will take place Nov. 27 after school in the auditorium. Students are expected to prepare and perform a one-minute monologue.

The school’s theater program operates on a code of ethics that all actors adhere to. The code includes an “attitude toward craftsmanship, a respect for associates and a dedication toward the audience. This code outlines a self-discipline which, far from robbing one of individuality, increases personal esteem and dignity through cooperation and common purpose,” according to information posted on the theater department’s website.

Anyone with questions should contact Alexander.