Council prepares for annual Coffee House Jam

Event scheduled for March 9 in SLC

Katrina DeLeon '17

Seniors Ethan Gogel and Riley Wonder take the stage at last year’s Coffee House Jam. This year’s event will take place March 2 in the Shiel Student Life Center.

Story updated Feb. 23 | 7:55 a.m.

Three days after this article was posted, Mr. Anthony Ernst, director of student activities, announced that the date for the Coffee House Jam has been changed to March 9.

Once a year, the Shiel Student Life Center transforms into an entertainment venue. The 10th annual Coffee House Jam, featuring live music performed by students, will take place March 2.

The Student Life Council sponsors the Coffee House Jam as its annual fundraiser. Director of student activities Mr. Anthony Ernst said, “The Coffee House Jam is an acoustic concert put on by students with student performers as well. It is an evening held in the (Shiel) Student Life Center, which has been converted to a coffee house like atmosphere. We have a stage and lights. We provide hot chocolate, coffee, tea, all kinds of snacks.”

The Student Life Council prepares for Coffee House Jam in several ways. Ernst said, “They (the Student Life Council) have already kind of set up committees and established roles. There are committees for setup, promotion, food and ticket sales.”

Senior Kelsey Deemer is a member of the Student Life Council. She said, “I’m involved in planning it, bringing in food, setting up, cleaning up and promoting.”

Deemer also participates by performing. This marks her third year singing at the Coffee House Jam. She said that being involved in different ways makes participating in the Coffee House Jam more enjoyable. “It’s so much fun to see all the people there enjoying it and having fun with their friends. From the performance side, it’s just fun to go up and feed off of the energy of the kids. It’s such a laidback, fun performance,” Deemer said.

The performers get a chance to express themselves when they sing in the Coffee House Jam. Deemer said, “It is one of the only times when you really get to see kids performing in an authentic way. It’s not something where you have to audition for it. It’s not something where you have to be judged by anyone or go through a screening process to go up and perform. It’s just students who are really passionate about performing. It’s a good show.”

Ernst said, “We have some really, truly talented people that perform. The performers sing and sometimes play an instrument. Typically it’s your singer/songwriters that come and either do covers or their own original songs.”

The music performed at the Coffee House Jam is acoustic and laidback. Deemer said, “It’s supposed to be a cafe feel in the Student Life Center. It’s very mellow and soft music. There’s nothing too intense. It’s usually very calm, but also very energetic.”

Chief officer for student services Dr. Tom Greer also participates in Coffee House Jam. He said that his favorite part is “that there’s a lot of kids who come and support their classmates. The performers are very good, so we get to promote their talent and then get other kids to see it.”

Deemer loves that her friends come to support her. She said, “It’s so sweet. Honestly, when my friends or just kids from the student body come, it’s so much fun. I just like to see them having a good time.”

Being able see your friends perform is a great reason for students to go to the Coffee House Jam. Ernst said, “I think the most important reason (to go to the Coffee House Jam) would be to come out and support  friends and see what kind of talent they have.”

Ernst said that you don’t have to know a performer to have fun at the Coffee House Jam. “If you don’t have anybody that you know that is going to be performing, then it’s a great opportunity for you to just come out and have a good time. It’s unlike anything else here at Cathedral. It completely alters your idea of what the Student Life Center is. You don’t feel like you’re in school. You feel like you’re in a coffee shop. You can just enjoy a night out with your friends, seeing performers,” he said.

Deemer also encourages students come to the March 2 event. “You get food if nothing else,” she said. “But you also get good music and good memories with your peers.”