California teacher named swimming coach

Ashley Hill to lead both men’s and women’s teams

Story updated May 15 | 2:01 p.m.

Ms. Ashley Hill has been named the men’s and women’s swimming and diving coach.

According to a statement released by Athletics Director Mr. Doug Seagrave, Ms. Hill has served as the junior varsity head coach and varsity assistant coach at St. Francis High School in Mountain View, California. Her teams have won multiple league titles, including this year’s men’s team.

Seagrave wrote in an email, “The St. Francis program typically has 200 athletes ranging in talent from beginners to pre-Olympians. They graduate three to five NCAA swimmers a year to small colleges and NCAA powerhouses.”

At St. Francis, Hill also served as the women’s varsity basketball head coach for the past eight years and directed the school’s Holy Cross Achievers program. She earned a BA in history from Santa Clara University with additional graduate work at her alma mater as well as UCLA.

In an email, Hill wrote, “I could not be more excited to transitioning to Cathedral, a school with a long tradition rooted in Holy Cross values, academic excellence and athletic success. I can’t wait to get to know the swimmers at Cathedral and to help them achieve their personal and team goals for the up and coming season.”