Homecoming Dance Name Announced

After going moniker-less through their first month, the former Latin Dance Team has found an identity.

Three days before the performance at the Homecoming Assembly, English Teacher Jenifer Neale confirmed that the act will be called “Dancing with the Seniors.” Neale, who leads the group, said there was a little back and forth involved with “Irish Senior Dance” being formally proposed first before changing to “Dancing with the Seniors. 

The new name plays off the popular show “Dancing with the Stars.” Neale explained the name was chosen because of “the idea (about) the different types of dance forms that they (both) do and it’s kinda catchy and a play off of something.”

Neale said she is happy with the progress she’s seen in practice. She said, “We’ve improved immensely in the past week.” 

Neale spoke to her hopes for Friday and this year’s group of seniors. She said, “I hope that they bring energy and I hope that they all feel confident from what they did and the time they put in and I hope they encourage the whole student body to have spirit.”