The Post-Senior Retreat Rundown

After the first senior retreat, many are returning to the Hill with a new perspective gained from one of the Hill’s oldest traditions.

Seniors and staff pose for a picture after an awesome day together.

During the week of Sept. 11, seniors had the opportunity to pack up for four days and participate in senior retreat. As one of the most secretive activities for students in their four years on the Hill, finally being able to experience it is a captivating experience. Despite the advertisement, many still go into it unsure.

Senior Nya Huff said, “I was a little apprehensive just because it was the first one and no one really knew what to expect. Also, personally it was the only one I could go on so it felt a little forced.” After the time away, however, Huff said, “There are no words you can use to describe retreat, you just have to be there to experience it. Life-changing.”

Behind the scenes, a lot of preparation goes into coordinating the retreat. Assistant Campus Minister Mrs. Sara Bozzeli-Levine said, “Arranging location, time, people, and all of it takes a lot of time.” Despite the work that goes into the preparation, however, Bozzeli-Levine said, “It was terrific, the energy level was excellent and I was particularly impressed not only before I got there but once I got there, the level of enthusiasm that groups had.”

While the details of the retreat remain unknown to students who haven’t experienced it, the reactions of those involved provide insight into the functioning of the retreat. The collective support for the retreat goes to show its potential. Campus Minister Mr. Dave Neeson said, “I have yet to experience a young person dislike this retreat.”

For those who are unconvinced, Bozzeli-Levine, Neeson, and Huff all encourage students not to knock it before they try it. Huff said, “Buy into it, it’s so worth it and it’s an experience that you will never forget.”