Another Year Another Director

Cathedral High School fills an important position on staff to begin the new school year.

It is quiet now, but will soon ramp up with productions of “Willy Wonka,” “Puffs,” and “SpongeBob Squarepants.”

Theater Director Jordan Fox’s hiring makes her the fifth Cathedral theater director in as many years. She hopes to end that trend. She said, “I would love to call this home for many years to come.” After stints at Lawerence Township, St. Richards, Perry Meridian, and Southport, Fox has landed her “dream job” here on the Hill. She said, “The amount of praise Cathedral gets and the high standing and high expectations they have within the community and within themselves, it’s like a dream world — this doesn’t happen everyday. It’s such a rare opportunity to be a theater director at such an elite school.”

Fox stressed that she wants to keep as much as she could of the Cathedral theater program, such as the rookie show and improv. Looking a little down the road, she said, “I would definitely like to add some things. I also have a very strong dance background, so I would love to teach some sections on dance or musical theater style dance or makeup — just broaden the program.”

The productions for this year, “Willy Wonka,” “Puffs,” and “SpongeBob SquarePants,” were all chosen before Fox was hired, but she is nevertheless very happy with what the theater can offer this year. She said, “A lot of places shy away from the fun, campy, showy stuff and this is right up my alley.”

Thespian Co-President Charlie Haas has met with Fox relatively few times thus far in the school year, but he expressed a lot of optimism for this year’s productions. He said, “I’m really looking forward to this year because we have a lot of fresh new faces, a lot of freshmen who are interested in theater this year which I find to be great, the theater department is always open to new people and I’m really glad that people are stepping out of any shell they might be in to try theater.” He also added that “(Fox) seems like she’s going to be a nice fit for the theater.”

Asked about her hopes for this year’s theater program, Fox said, “I’m looking forward to diving right in and learning everyone’s strengths and talents and pushing everyone to do their best and learn new skills throughout the year.”