“Ride the Cyclone” cast list is announced

Show will open on April 29 in the school auditorium

Liam Eifert

A sketch shows the initial design for staging “Ride the Cyclone.”

Opening night of the first high school production of “Ride the Cyclone” is April 29. The school’s theater department will premier their adaptation of the 2008 Canadian musical.

The cast has recently been announced, revealing an ensemble not present in the original. 

Named characters will include senior Tricia Schneider, who will play Jane Doe; senior Sir Jonathan Thompson will play Ricky Potts; junior Colin Chandler will play Mischa Bachinski; junior Charlie Haas will play Noel Gruber; sophomore Julia Hurley will play Constance Blackwood; sophomore Maya Marshalleck will play Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg; and sophomore Sammy Parr will play The Amazing Karnak.

The ensemble includes seniors Aiden Betts and Cadence Leffel; juniors Ali Gregor, Olivia Griffith, Sydney Johnston and Joey Schmidt; sophomores Joan Darnell, Carrie Dobrota, Jackson Maples, Louis Murray and David Russell; and freshmen Kristen Castellino, Easton Gogel, Gabi Hadad, Kathryn Kirschner, Lucy Lindner, Sammy Moffatt, Jackie Quadrini and Veronica Rondinella.