For the upcoming fall play, let there be light

Dimmer rack has been repaired, theater department chair says

Liam Eifert

Above the stage right, the light rack that will be used for the fall play has been repaired and is fully operational.

The water-damaged dimmer rack has been fixed, which means that all of the theater’s lights will be available for the upcoming fall play, according to theater department chairman Mr. Michael Moffatt. 

The drain on the roof was fixed Oct. 29, allowing the lights company to fix the actual dimmer rack two days later. 

The prior plan was to rent a high power spotlight to help light the stage. Moffatt said, “I still have to call the company and cancel my renting order. That would have been about $600 totally wasted. Renting things is just not the way to go for me. I like to buy things and take care of them and maintain them.” 

The cost for the repairs did not come cheap. Moffatt said, “I don’t know the total price but I would guess we’re talking a $150,000 fix that we had to turn into the insurance.” By addressing the problem with the drain on the roof of the theater, Moffatt said he hopes that further leaks have been prevented. “Before, it was an old iron pipe and the seal was rubber that had been made in the ‘60s,” Moffatt said. “Now it’s more of a nylon, maybe, everything looks like it’s polyurethane or plastic of some kind. Everything looks like it’s a little more suited for longevity.”

Moffatt echoed this sentiment in hoping for more permanent solutions. He said, “It’s an old building and I get it, things leaking after a while, but it’s time that we pay attention to it and maintain it now, now that we’ve spent so much money on this terrible accident.” 

As a result of the repair, lights will be in working order for the fall play, “The Clumsy Custard Horror Show,” which will be performed in the auditorium on Nov. 19 at 7 p.m., Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. and Nov. 21 at 2 p.m.