Freshman prepares his act for May 20 talent show

Koerwitz will perform a mash-up of three songs at the event

A guitar will be part of the act when freshman Oliver Koerwitz takes the stage at the annual talent show on May 20.

Freshman Oliver Koerwitz is one of several students who will show off their skills at the annual talent show, which will take place on May 20 in the Welch Activity Center at 7 p.m. 

Koerwitz said, “I will be playing the guitar, and my performance is a compilation of three songs, ‘Dee’ by Randy Rhoads, ‘A New Day’ by Michael Angelo Batio and ‘The Horse’ by Phish.”

Being a ninth-grader and first-time talent show performance doesn’t scare Koerwitz. He said, “I don’t feel nervous, I’m excited. I’ve performed in some pretty big performances with my band (Disciples of Nash), so this isn’t overwhelming at all; however, I still have to practice and work hard for it.” 

While Koerwitz has participated in several onstage performances, he said, “This will be my first competition type of performance. I have never participated in a talent show even though they had them at St. Simon.” He said that he is excited especially because this is a new experience for him even though the performing part is pretty familiar. 

Finally, Koerwitz said, “I cannot wait to perform because I’ve been performing for six years, and I am looking forward to being in the talent show on Thursday.”