Talent show to take place in person on May 20

Students will perform at 7 p.m. in the Welch Activity Center

Megaphone file photo

The Welch Activity Center will be the site of one of the four class meetings on Sept. 1.

Every year during the week of the Irish 500, the school hosts its annual talent show during which the school’s most gifted students are able to perform for their peers.

Though the event has not occurred in person since the start of the pandemic, this year’s talent show will take place May 20 in the Welch Activity Center at 7 p.m.

Student Council co-moderator Mrs. Kim Jamell detailed some of the plans for the evening, including which students will be taking stage. She said the students who are set to participate include senior Ellie Sagebiel; juniors Sir Jonathan Thompson, Tricia Schneider and Hope Sultzer; sophomores Scout Andersen, Jacob Brey, Karsyn Kramer and Joey Schmidt; and freshmen Lucy Batt and Oliver Koerwitz. 

Jamell noted that the performances include what she called “mostly singing, but (in the past) we have had rapping, bands, dancing, violin and other instrument solos, and even comedy and magic. We are open to a variety of talents as long as they are school appropriate.” Students hoping to participate had to send clips of their performances to Jamell by May 11 to be considered for the show. 

Jamell said that she most looks forward to seeing the unexpected gifts that students have on full display. She said, “I just love seeing all the talent we have, especially when a kid just surprises us and blows us all away.”

Jamell wanted to remind guests that, because the event will be able to take place in person this year, Covid safety is essential. She said every guest must wear a mask and that the event will have a 500-person limit — although she noted that she is not concerned about exceeding it. For any more information regarding the event, contact [email protected].