Rookies are ready to showcase their talents

November production will be live streamed

Ava Amos

Disinfectant spray bottle in hand, theater director Ms. Maria Souza sits in the auditorium during before E period before her tech theater class.

Along with the many changes being made on the Hill to accommodate for Covid-19 guidelines, the Rookie Showcase is no exception. 

The annual Rookie Showcase provides an opportunity for anyone who is new to the theater program or performing to test the waters in a short scene. It’s a collection of 10-minute plays or scenes from larger plays that are directed by older student thespians and feature the work of the newcomers to the stage, according to theater director Ms. Maria Souza. 

Souza wrote in an email, “There are three different scripts or scenes this year. ‘Roots,’ ‘Lies,’ and ‘Contact.’ ‘Roots’ is being directed by (seniors) Caroline Ward and Brooklynn Thorpe, ‘Lies’ is being directed by (junior) Sir Jonathan Thompson, and ‘Contact’ is being directed by (seniors) Claudia Lowe and Thomas Kress.” 

There are six members in the cast this season, which can be viewed on the school website, and the performance and rehearsal process will take place entirely online. Souza said that at the start of the year, the theater program was asked to reimagine how the theater and live performance could take place, and this was the resolution. 

“This is something that is happening across the board in the industry, so it was my opinion that learning how to direct on a Zoom platform would be a valuable skill for any of our theater students who are considering continuing in the art form. Theater must be adaptable at all times and has repeatedly been asked to morph throughout the years to stay alive,” Souza said. 

She added, “A link will be set out for people to login and enjoy a short evening of scenes. This will take place Friday, Nov. 6 at 5 p.m. The performance, in total, should last roughly 45 minutes, enough time to watch some theater and make the football game.” 

She said she believes the showcase will be a success. “Anytime a group of people comes together to explore art, to tell a story, to present a topic for discussion, or gathers in a community for the love of one another, it is successful. Human expression is beautiful. Trying something new is exceptional. Sharing something with others is transformative. Art is always a success for these reasons.” Souza said.

She added that she hopes to keep the Rookie Showcase rolling throughout the year into the spring. Souza said, “Because it requires less in terms of technical preparation and physical space, it can become more repetitive allowing more people to get involved if they chose.”