Art teacher displays his students’ work

Kane posts his artists’ creations all over campus

Zoey Johnston

One of the first floor bulletin boards in Loretto Hall currently features some of the artwork by students in Mr. Jon Kane’s classes.

Art teacher Mr. Jon Kane is displaying student projects on the bulletin boards in Loretto Hall.

Kane said, “I’m always looking for places to display creative works by students.” After talking with English teacher Mrs. Lizabeth Bradshaw about displaying student artwork in Loretto, Kane said she recommended Loretto’s bulletin boards.

So far, many teachers in Loretto have stopped by and complimented the artists’ skills. “They made me feel so welcomed, and it was reaffirming to hear such support for student artists’ work,” the art teacher said. 

However, there is a limit to how much he can show at one time. Because of this, Kane’s only displaying what a class is currently working on or what they’ve just finished. This way, he can show off work to other students who maybe want to try an art class.

The artwork is displayed on the two first floor bulletin boards in Loretto Hall, as well as in Kelly Hall in hallways, display cases and in a few religion classrooms. Also, there is artwork in the main floor entryway and down the hallways along with on the staircase walls leading up to the drawing studio and down to the band and choir rooms in Cunningham.

Kane said, “I hope that when students see the work that their peers are creating, they’ll not only be impressed with what they see but also be inspired to create works of their own.”