Fall play auditions are Sept. 16, Sept. 17

Video submissions will be accepted until Sept. 18

Cathedran file photo

Student actors took the stage at last year’s fall play.

The theater department is getting ready to begin working toward the production of “Hades: A Retelling of the Persephone Myth” as the fall play. 

Theatre director Miss Maria Souza said, “We are excited to have live theater at all this year. Our goal was to keep it alive and possible.”

The auditions for the fall play are taking place on Sept. 16 and Sept. 17 through Zoom. The expected content for the auditions is a monologue no longer than one minute. Students interested in auditioning for the fall play should sign up for a five-minute session using the Sign Up Genius link provided in an email from Souza. 

An alternative to Zoom auditions is to submit a video. Video submissions will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Sept. 18.

Souza said all grade levels are permitted to audition and that the cast will be announced on Sept. 20. Rehearsals for the fall play will begin on Sept. 28. The rehearsals will be staggered and a mix of virtual and in-person. 

Souza said, “We are still accepting sign ups and would love to see you at auditions. It is a true gift to be able to still practice our art in a time when so many aren’t.”