Spring Sports Review: Women’s Tennis

Mr. Mark Noe starts his 16th year as head coach this spring.

After junior Maeve Koscielski won the individual State championship last year and the team won the State team title, Noe and his team look to build upon that success.

Juniors KK Combs, Maeve Koscielski, Rachel Long and sophomore Claire Koscielski will lead the varsity team as key returning players. Freshman Meg Coleman will also start in the varsity line-up.

According to Noe, many of the girls have played in the offseason to improve their games.

“We plan on making a run for a State title again this year. The competition will be really tough, but the preseason prep has been outstanding,” Noe said.

The team’s philosophy is to play one match at a time and to continue to work on areas where improvement is needed, according to Noe.

“We need to make sure that we practice with focus with 100 percent effort,” said Noe.