Golden Paddle Makes A Return
The annual ping pong tournament has begun and will conclude with the finals at the Winterfest assembly.
The infamous Golden Paddle Tournament has made its return to the Hill. Started in the spring of 2009, students and staff are able to look forward to this tournament each year. This year, 55 students will be competing with high anticipation of making it to the final round, which will take place on Feb 10 at the Winterfest assembly.

Registration was opened to students on Jan 20 and brackets were posted Jan 23. The first competition occurred on Jan 24 and will conclude Feb 7 before the finals. Director of Student Activities Mr. Anthony Ernst oversees this activity and initially brought the idea to former staff member, Dr. Greer.
Ernst said, “I came to Dr. Greer fifteen years ago with the idea of us hosting a ping pong tournament. He was a long term Vice Principal of Student Life. We started hosting it and held the finals at Winterfest that year. It was a huge success and has been ever since.”

Ernst believes that this is a perfect example of how Cathedral strives for and provides greatness. He said, “It’s a perfect example of everything that is great about Cathedral. It is so fun, but at the same time it is very competitive, and where else do people get this excited about a table tennis tournament?”
Since Ernst first brought forth the idea to Greer, The Golden Paddle Tournament has been in effect ever since. Ernst describes the tournament as “silly fun”, but the competition does become very competitive. The winner of the entire competition is awarded with the Golden Paddle trophy, as well as their name added to it. He said, “When the lights go out, everybody crowds around the table, everyone has someone that they are rooting for in the finals,” he said, “I love everything about it.”

Caroline Schilling is the Megaphone Executive Editor and a Cathedran photographer. She has been on Megaphone staff since her freshman year. Caroline is...