It’s That Time of Year
Open house is quickly approaching and will be held on the Hill this year on Oct 13 from 5:30 to 8 pm. Mass will be offered at 5 pm in the Chapel.

Open house is a great opportunity for families to get more information about Cathedral.
Open House brings great opportunities for both students and teachers to showcase their ideas and share what Cathedral is like. Last year was the first open house with the new Innovation Center, and was a great addition to have the ability to showcase it. Admissions Operations Manager Mrs. Maribeth Cloud ‘86 said, “Last year was our first year with the new Innovation Center and Dining Hall, and I think we ironed out some of those kinks and we are excited to lean into it.”
The Admissions team is in need of student assistance to allow open house to be successful. They are in need of tour guides and have other opportunities for students. Taul describes this as “a leadership opportunity” that is offered for all students, and can greatly benefit new students and freshmen. She describes the opportunity of being a tour guide as “very rewarding”.
“We found that the extra time allows us to showcase the entire campus instead of families sitting and listening to a series of speakers, we are going to continue with a true open house,” said Director of Admissions Mrs. Anna Taul.
In previous years a large program was held in the WAC, and a change to this is the program is no longer offered, rather now there is extra time to allow visitors to view the entire campus. This shows more of an open house, rather than a presentation.
Students are able to be in classrooms helping teachers, working with their clubs or athletics, or participating in activities with choir or band. A link to sign up to be a tour guide was sent to all students from Mrs. Cloud. There will be a training session held for those interested in being a tour guide.
Everyone is asked to be here, the school day will be a half day to allow for preparations for open house. This year, there will be the addition of Spanish translators to better cater to those who speak Spanish.
All student volunteers are invited to eat pizza in the SLC prior to the event and everyone is welcome to participate. Word of mouth and social media is a great contribution to Open House and sharing of what makes the Hill a special place. Taul said, “Everyone is welcome to participate and we also need everyone to participate.”

Caroline Schilling is the Megaphone Executive Editor and a Cathedran photographer. She has been on Megaphone staff since her freshman year. Caroline is...