Coach Johnson provides at-home fitness tips

Classes stay on task despite lack of access to gym, weight room

Lauryn Woods

Senior Cameron Clark lifts weights at school before the shutdown of the campus.

While the current quarantine period may still lead to full days and busy schedules of work from home, for many students, their daily schedule and workload have become a little lighter, leading to more free time.

Students and teachers who might be regularly involved in fitness and cardio workouts at school have found that there is still time to maintain the work they have put in to get in and stay in shape, despite many lacking a gym or weight room.

Strength and conditioning coach Mr. Cody Johnson provided insight on what his classes are doing and what others can do to stay fit or get going in that direction.

With everyone forced to stay at home, many students have been deprived of the resources they use at gyms or school. But that should not prevent physical fitness. “Walking, running, jogging, sprinting and biking are great outdoor options that require little to no equipment,” Johnson said, adding that “bodyweight only movements such as squats, lunges, push ups and various core movements can be used as well.”

Johnson notes that his classes have not stopped and that students are required to keep track of their daily workouts and routines, whether that be lifting weights if they can, or running or jogging.

Students in Johnson’s advanced physical education classes are assigned bodyweight only movements and workouts that focus on mobility and are also using barbell options such as a PVC pipe or a broomstick. They are required to enter these workouts into daily and weekly logs.

Johnson added that he has been able to keep up his regimen due to equipment he has at home.

The school is also aiding its athletic teams, many of which would be in season or gearing up for the preseason, by sharing these workouts in which the advanced PE students have participated. However, athletes and non-athletes alike are encouraged to stay as fit and active as they can over the quarantine.

Many who do not participate in teams during this time of year due to an already busy schedule have an opportunity to increase their fitness. From walking and running, to biking and core work, there is much to be done. If you have found yourself with time to fill and nothing new to do, working out provides an opportunity to add another activity to your schedule and increase or maintain your fitness that can be so easily lost over breaks. Just take it from Coach Johnson.