Spring mission trip provides service opportunities

Senior Class president provides perspective

Juniors Gracie Carr and Kylie Price, Will Kennedy and Will Browning and seniors Kiernan McCormick, Tim de Boer and Connor Helman pose on the beach during free time on last year’s spring mission trip to South Carolina. “This trip is a lot of fun because it bonds people closer with the school and people from other grades,” Helmen, who will participate again this year, said.

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Juniors Gracie Carr and Kylie Price, Will Kennedy and Will Browning and seniors Kiernan McCormick, Tim de Boer and Connor Helman pose on the beach during free time on last year’s spring mission trip to South Carolina. “This trip is a lot of fun because it bonds people closer with the school and people from other grades,” Helmen, who will participate again this year, said.

For many students, service hours are not the ideal activity for spring break. Senior Connor Helman would disagree.

Every year, a group of students takes a trip to South Carolina to build a house for Habitat for Humanity. 

This not only helps those in need, but the students as well. “This really benefitted me and my social life,” Helman said. The trip allow him to grow in his relationships with people he already knew but also gave him the opportunity to start new ones. “I am very glad that I went because I met people who I didn’t even know the names of before the trip,” said Helman. 

Some students don’t enjoy completing their service hours done but Helman wants everyone to know that this experience can change that. 

“This trip is a lot of fun because it bonds people closer with the school and people from other grades that you don’t normally have the chance to talk to,” Helman said. He would recommend this trip to anyone looking to not only get their service hours done, but have fun, help others, and meet new people.

A lot of the time in South Carolina is spent building a house for a family in need. 

“This was a big help to the people we were building the house for as well as Habitat for Humanity,” Helman said. He thoroughly enjoyed his experience and hope others will take the trip as well. 

The trip will be over spring break form March 29 to April 6. 

“Anyone doubting that this is a fun trip should know that they will have a great time and feel good about what they are doing,” Helman said. 

The trip can count for this year’s and even next year’s service hours because it takes place so late in the year.