Swimming coach announces her resignation

Hill: It’s goodbye, but not goodbye forever

Nicholas Rodecap

Swimming and diving Head Coach Ms. Ashley Hill has decided not to return to Cathedral next year.

After five years with the school in the academic and athletic programs, language support teacher and head swimming and diving coach Ms. Ashley Hill is moving on. 

“I have the opportunity to go coach at a higher level, finish up my masters (and) Ph.D.,” Hill said.

She joined the Irish one year before the current Senior Class and said there is a lot that she will miss about the school. “(I will miss) my colleagues and the camaraderie that they’ve created here,” she said. “(I will also miss) the students that we attract to Cathedral, that I think are the best in Indiana. (Also) that feeling of family that Holy Cross brings to a school.”

Athletics Director Mr. Rick Streiff said that an assistant swimming and diving coach is interested in taking Hill’s place, noting that they will receive what he called “heavy consideration.” 

“We’re saddened that Coach Hill is leaving. She’s done a tremendous job with the (swimming and diving) program, and we’re sorry that she isn’t going to coach with us anymore,” Streiff said. 

“I’m appreciative for the time that I’ve been able to spend here,” Hill said. She added that she hopes to come back to visit at some point. 

“It’s goodbye, but not goodbye forever.”