Workout routine continues for spring athletes

It may be a break from school, but not from conditioning

Kylee Lucas

While most spring sports have not yet begun their varsity season, the men’s lacrosse team already has competed. Senior Johnny Kraege dodges against Culver. During spring break, athletes will maintain their conditioning and workout routines in order to stay in shape.

The upcoming spring break gives everyone a chance to take a pause from the routine of school, but for spring athletes, their week away from the Hill can affect their performance in they don’t stick to some of their workout routine. 

A fun vacation and a new location can make athletes not want to workout. However, this week of fitness is a necessity for peak physical activity in the next few months. Track and field coach Mr. Brian Gross said, “Athletes absolutely should continue training over spring break if they want to have success in April and May. It takes about 10 to 14 days of inactivity to lose two months of aerobic conditioning.”

If athletes are experiencing fatigue from a difficult winter season or an intense pre-season training program, then spring break is a perfect time to rest. Gross said, “Recovery looks like eight to 10 hours of sleep, plenty of water and nutritious meals, light activity followed by stretching.” 

Be sure to put as little stress on the body as possible, since most spring break activities leave athletes feeling worse than before break. These high stress activities that athletes should not be doing also relate to fitness activities that are too stressful on the body. The majority of high school athletes focus on high intensity workouts with minimal rest time because they desire the quickest and strongest physical product. 

However, athletes should focus on low stress and low intensity workouts for the best outcome after spring break. Gross said, “This year, I will be asking my athletes to get out and run six to eight days over break, but to keep those runs easy. Light, consistent, easy running on those days is much more important for long-term development than specific workouts, and it will help the body properly recover.”

Consistency is key when it comes to working out as well as when it comes to rest. 

Sophomore Evey Wagner, who is a member of the track and field team, said, “I plan on working out and staying in shape over spring break by following my training plan provided by my coaches, which is flexible and allows me to take days off when I need to and to complete my runs in the morning so that I can still enjoy my spring break.” 

Following a fitness plan made by your coach is never a bad idea, since they have your best outcome in mind when creating it. There are several ways to stay in shape in your vacation spots outside of any workout plan, including going for walks on the beach, swimming in the pool or ocean, taking a hike or going for a bike ride. 

Wagner said, “Besides running, activities I do to stay in shape are biking and swimming. These are good for me as a runner because they have a low impact on my legs but also help me to get an aerobic workout.” 

Preventing injuries and managing current ones is vital in athlete performance. Wagner said, “I prevent injuries by listening to my body and taking it easy or resting when I need it.” 

Spring break is a time during which athletes can potentially acquire new injuries or worsen old ones. According to athletic trainer Mr. Mike Hunker, some of the best ways of preventing minor injuries is working out. Hunker said, “Continue stretching exercises, weight training, some running, anything to maintain your fitness is going to go a long way of preventing the sprains, the tears, basically the majority of the minor injuries.” 

The best way to work out is with a structured time and maybe with a partner. The set time and another person will keep athletes accountable to their fitness routine. Hunker said, “Schedule a specific time to get their workouts in during the week and allow plenty of time to enjoy your spring break.”

Spring break is a time for relaxation and it should be appreciated, but athletes need to be conscious of the impact on their body. As Hunker said, “First of all get some rest, have some fun, but stay in shape because you have a season waiting for you when you get back.”