Face Off: We should keep changing our clocks

Meg Hasch

On Nov. 7, the clocks will fall back and create an extra hour four sleep. The sun will be up an hour earlier. Daylight saving time was started as a way to give farmers more daylight to harvest crops and to save coal during World War I, but now it is seen as a mere extra hour of sleep or lack of sleep for those who are part of the younger generation. 

Longer daylight hours not only promote safer driving but also encourages a healthier lifestyle as the longer the light is available, we are able to utilize the light for outdoor activities longer and excuses for not staying active are less prevalent. It’s also much safer for pedestrians to exercise outside, as drivers are able to see them easier.

When something like daylight saving time makes it easier for people to keep in shape and avoid car wrecks, it shouldn’t be debatable whether or not we participate. Daylight saving time allows for more time in the day, which is something we are all always looking for because it allows for more time to get things done such as completing homework, doing chores, making it to appointments and staying healthy. 

Much is to be said about how daylight saving time affects the younger generation, and while it may throw us off a bit, it does make it more possible to keep on track and offers us more time. There’s nothing better than saving daylight, so why stop something we are all so used to that offers us benefits that saves lives and keeps people in shape?