Face Off: The new lanyard policy is off base

Liam Eifert

On the verge of running out of ways to inconvenience students in their quest for the semblance of security, the administration’s new lanyard policy proves that innovation is alive and well at the school. The new policy forces students who forget their lanyard to pay $10 out of their school account in order to buy a new lanyard and ID. This policy is in contrast to last year’s, in which students without lanyards were given a temporary sticker for the day. The policy also awards a disciplinary infraction. 

The student newsletter stated that the stickers were eliminated because they “do not meet our school’s safety needs and security protocols.” The need for school IDs on an open campus is understandable. It would be concerning if it was as easy for a stranger to enter the school as it is to enter a McDonald’s. 

However, the stickers provided an adequate temporary ID for forgetful students. What gargantuan advantage that the lanyards enjoy over the stickers is beyond my humble faculties. 

I understand that lanyards are a bit more visible than stickers. The lanyards also ensure that students don’t have to ask for help opening doors. Whereas the stickers didn’t provide entry to the school. Perhaps we would be less predisposed to open the door for someone standing out in the rain. If an intruder were to rely on the benevolence of their target to gain entry, then this in fact may thwart their plans. It takes little contemplation to see that this is unlikely to be the plot of any serious infiltration.

The cost, while at first glance seems only like $10, is also the stress of remembering your lanyard when there are numerous additional things to forget, including homework, lunch and of course, the daily schedule.