Face Off: Stay home during spring break

Nick Bozzelli-Levine

Nick Bozzelli-Levine

Around this time during a typical year, students and their families would start planning their spring break vacations. Some might opt to go on a sunny beach escape, absorbing the precious warmth in a place like California or Florida. Others might go on an ocean excursion, taking a cruise ship across the high seas. Then, there are those who would take a trip to visit faraway family or connect with long-lost friends. 

Students here on the Hill would be doing all of these things if things were normal. However, this is not a normal year. Protecting friends and loved ones from the pandemic alone should be a reason not to go on a trip during next month’s spring break. Additionally, the time could be spent doing far more productive activities and the money could be spent in much better places.

Let’s start with the money part. According to a recent study conducted by NerdWallet, the average American plans to spend upward of $1,800 on their spring break vacation. That’s a lot of money for one week. There are a myriad of places that money could better be put. It could go into a savings account, maybe for college. Perhaps it could go toward that dream car, or even just any car at all. Families could use that to pay off credit card debts, mortgages and other important expenses. Think about all the long term stress that would relieve as opposed to blowing it all on just one week of fun.

The time spent on that one-week getaway could also be used to alleviate stress in a much better way. This time could be used for researching colleges at home, working on applying to scholarships or simply sleeping in and hanging around the house lazily all day. While that last suggestion may not seem so productive, it’s a great way to restore one’s energy, peace and sense of well-being without leaving the house and without spending a dime.

Finally, this most obvious reason is the real elephant in the room here — or should I say — the virus in the room.

The coronavirus has represented a real gray cloud over life, canceling activity after activity and causing sorrow after sorrow. Although there is a light at the end of the tunnel, with more than 26.5 million Americans having received at least one of the shots from safe and effective vaccines, everyone still needs to do their part in preventing another surge in cases. That means wearing a mask, social distancing — and yes — avoiding travel and gatherings wherever possible. So, it’s evident that going on a trip this spring break is an unwise and potentially hazardous decision.

With so many reasons to avoid a spring break vacation this year, it seems like the obvious choice would be saving time, money and possibly even lives. Eventually, things will get better and people will be able to go on trips to their heart’s content again. Until then, for the sake of your friends and family, stay home this spring break.