Face Off: We’re too old to trick or treat

Nick Bozzelli-Levine

Halloween. It’s a time that brings back loads of happy childhood memories for many people. It’s a time where pumpkins and ghosts adorn houses across the nation. Technicolor leaves gratefully land on every lawn. People put together extravagant costumes to be used for only one night of trick-or-treating or for spooky costume parties.

Another thing occurring this year business-as-usual is the great debate over whether or not high school age students should go trick-or-treating. In my opinion, there are many reasons why we are too old for the tradition. 

One reason that it’s not a good idea for people our age to go trick-or-treating anymore is because we’d be taking away the joy from those younger than us. I, as well as many others, have felt that pang of sorrow when we walk all the way up to a house on Halloween, only to be greeted by the pitying faces saying that they’re all out of candy. Without older teens hogging all of the fun, the younger kids can have that special experience that many of us cherish. 

Another reason not to go is because of the pandemic, which has impacted everyone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses.” The whole concept of Halloween is certainly not social distancing friendly. People go up to random people’s houses and often come into close contract with strangers and then repeat the process.

It’s not all doom and gloom, though. There are safer alternatives.

Although Covid-19 has put Halloween as we know it in grave jeopardy, there are certainly other ways to enjoy the holiday. The CDC considers events such as pumpkin carving, house decorating and family scavenger hunts to be lower risk. That way we can still enjoy the seasonal festivities without being exposed to the virus. 

As Halloween approaches and calendars here on the Hill begin to fill up with all the festivities October can handle, I firmly believe that at least for teenagers, trick-or-treating is one more thing we’re going to have to give up. We’re too old and it’s just too risky. I’m not letting it get me down, though. I suggest trying to make the day special for younger friends and relatives. This year I’m going to put a little more effort into decorating my house for Halloween and making the day fun for my younger cousins. 

It may be different, but we will persevere.