Lunch service undergoes significant changes

Meal options change as students no longer eat in cafeteria

Tory Basile

During A period on Aug. 27, students buy their lunch in the atrium.

Of the many developments that have been made on the Hill this school year, one of the most notable has been the change to the lunch program. Not only are students now eating lunches in their classrooms rather than the cafeteria or around the school, but options for meals have changed as well.

Mr. Jonathan Newlin, food service director of FLIK Food Management Services, detailed the ways in which lunch is changing for students this year. For starters, Newlin says lunches will now be available for purchase in the atrium and the WAC lobby instead of the cafeteria, as they have been in the past.

He explained that the FLIK staff has developed a system of transporting meals on the go, which are separated into what he calls a cold side and a hot side The cold side lunch options include salads and wraps while the hot side lunch options include chicken sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs and fries.”

Newlin mentioned starting the week of Aug. 24 there were also Bosco sticks available. The staff is working toward incorporating other weekly hot lunch additions in the near future as well. All lunches are $7 and include an entree, a side of fries or chips, a cookie and a drink.

Newlin also noted that he is maintaining a positive perspective in the midst of these changes, saying that they have not made work more difficult but merely different. “We’re used to preparing for a lot of people no matter what. The transportation of (the food) has added a wrinkle” but he said he feels the staff’s workload is overall equivalent to what it used to be.