Favorite Christmas Movie: “A Christmas Story”

Chandler Watson
“A Christmas Story” is a classic Christmas movie. Many people like it because of its humorous plot and because it is told through the eyes of a nine year old Ralphie Parker, who spends a lot of his time dodging bullies and fantasizing over his ideal Christmas gift: a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle with a compass and “this thing that tells time.” I love it because of its humor and the desire of a young Ralphie. The movie is also about Ralphie hanging out with his friends and his family during the Christmas season, which makes it a classic because who would want anything else during the holidays. Another reason for it being a classic movie are its iconic scenes. The one scene where Ralphie’s friend gets “triple dog dared” to put his tongue on the frozen flag pole is just a classic instance of kid tomfoolery. I also enjoy the scene where Ralphie’s father says, “Fragile. Huh must be Italian.” Then he proceeds to pull of the memorable and iconic leg lamp from the wooden crate and puts it together. This movie is my favorite Christmas movie because it takes all of the classic Christmas themes (comedy, family, friends, shopping, and giving) and blends them perfectly together through the mind of a nine year old. If you haven’t seen it, you definitely should consider watching this family friendly Christmas classic