Senior reflects on Academic All-State selection

Nick Grill is one of 40 honored from across Indiana

Jonas Hollis

Senior Nick Grill hands out promotional material for the speech and debate team at the clubs and activities fair at the beginning of the school year.

To add to a long list of recognition he has achieved during his four years on the Hill, senior Nicholas Grill was honored as one of only 40 seniors to be named an Indiana Academic All-Star.

The Indiana Association of School Principals chooses 40 seniors from Indiana based off of grade point averages, SAT/ACT scores and letters of recommendation. Each high school in the state nominates one senior, and of those schools, 40 seniors are selected for this statewide honor.

Grill said, “(I am) very proud to be an Academic All-Star because I consider it an honor to be given this award for my achievements.”

The principals’ group was set to host an awards luncheon for each senior and their selected coach or teacher on April 30 at the Indiana Roof Ballroom in Downtown Indianapolis, but that event was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Grill said, “If the luncheon were still going to occur, I would have taken my speech and debate coach, Mrs. (Jeanne) Malone. She has always been a role model for me and has pushed me to improve in ways I didn’t think possible.”

Grill says he plans to attend Carnegie Mellon and major in computer science with a minor in math.